
Asreml setup g.param
Asreml setup g.param

asreml setup g.param
  1. #Asreml setup g.param install#
  2. #Asreml setup g.param software#

This file needs to be saved in the directory where ASReml resides, or in your home directory. In return, I expect a contribution to the license costs, which will depend on how many people use the license.

asreml setup g.param

As of 2018, I have purchased a pool of floating licenses, which means that the total number of simultaneous users is limited, but not the total number of installations.

#Asreml setup g.param install#

However, only install the package this way if you know what you are doing. The advantage will be that all users on this computer will have this R package available. The location where the library is installed may need to be adapted, and you may need superuser rights.

  • From a terminal, under OS X or Linux, you can also use "R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/lib/R/site-library asreml_3.0_R_", or "R CMD INSTALL asreml_3.0_R_".
  • Under Windows and newer R versions, you may have to add the option type="binary"
  • Everything should also work by using install.packages(path_to_your_asreml-R.zip_or_tar.gz_file,repos=NULL) from the R command line.
  • RStudio), then there generally is an option in the menu to install R packages from a local file. There are several ways in which you can do this:
  • Install ASReml-R, the R package that is used to interface ASReml from R.
  • On a Mac, I'd install it in /Applications/asreml3. Under Linux, I usually install it under /usr/local/asreml3, and create a symbolic from /usr/local/asreml3/bin/asreml.sh to /usr/local/bin/asreml.

    #Asreml setup g.param software#

    This software will need to be licensed to run, which is described below. Install ASReml, the stand-alone software.Make sure you have the version that goes with your operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux 32 or 64bit). Then, download ASReml and ASReml-R from.You will need your login credentials later.

    Asreml setup g.param